Principal Investigators
Susan Kornstein, M.D.
Principal Investigator
and Project Director
(804) 827-1200
ADVANCE Leadership Team
- Susan Kornstein is the PI and Executive Director in the Leadership Team, The Executive Director in the Institute for Women's Health, and a Professor of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine.
- Maike Phillipsen is a Co-PI and Deputy Director in the Leadership Team, and a Professor in the Foundations of Education in the School of Education.
- Barbara Boyan is a Co-PI in the Leadership Team, the Executive Director, and a Professor of Engineering in the Institute for Engineering and Medicine
- Vanessa Sheppard is a Co-PI in the Leadership Team and is a Founding Interim Dean in the School of Population Health.
- Mangala Subramaniam is a Co-PI in the Leadership Team, the Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs in the Office of the Provost, and a Professor of Sociology.
- Jean Bailey is a Co-Chair in the Professional Development Initiative and an Assistant dean for Faculty Development in the School of Medicine.
- Deidre Condit is a Co-Lead in the Social Science Team and an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science in the College of Humanities and Sciences.
- Jennifer Johnson is a Co-Lead in the Social Science Team and the Chair of Sociology in Virginia Tech.
- Kevin Allison is a Co-Chair in the Steering Committee, the Senior Executive for Special Projects in the Office of the President, and a Professor of Psychology in the College of Humanities and Sciences.
- Jennifer Reid is an Internal Evaluator and the Senior Project Director in the Survey an d Evaluation Research Laboratory in L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs.
- Andrea Cassell is Project Coordinator and in the Office of Faculty Affairs in the School of Medicine.
- Denise Grothues is a Project Coordinator, a Scientific Writer and Adjunct Professor in Massey Cancer Center.
- Tim Davey is a Co-Chair in the Recruitment Initiative, the Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs, and an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work.
- Lisa Webb is a Co-Chair in the Recruitment Initiative, an Assistant Vice President in the Strategic Initiatives and Health Science Education, and an Affiliate Faculty in the School of Education.
- Penny McFarline is a Co-Chair in the ITC Initiative and a Organizational Development Specialist in the Learning, Development, and Organizational Culture; Human Resources.
- Brian Cone is a Co-Chair in the ITC Initiative and a Research Project Manager in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in the School of Medicine.
- Amy Armstrong is a Co-Chair in the dept of Chairs Initiative and an Associate Dean of Faculty Development in the College of Health Professions.
- D'Arcy Mays is a Co-Chair in the Dept Chairs Initiative and an Interim Dean in the University College.
- Mary Hermann is a Co-chair in the Career/Life Integration Initiative an a Visiting Professor in the College of Nursing and Health in Loyola University.
- Sally Hunnicutt is the Chair of Promotion, Tenure Policy, and Procedures Initiative and the Associate Dean of Sciences and Mathematics in the College of Humanities and Sciences.